Tuesday, July 7, 2009

In Huehuetenango, Guatemala.....

We made it safe and sound into Guatemala and then into Huehuetenango (Mirna's home place). We will be meeting with her sister Gabriella tomorrow afternoon to go over the basics of the system along with a brief description of Mirna's current living space. This last detail will allow us to build a metal frame that will hold the system (monitor, laptop, eagle eyes, etc) in a way that it will have ease of movement and is lightweight for any person to move and use.

As mentioned above, we will also go over the basics of the system and will do a few trial runs so that Gabriella can get used to setting the patient up, calibrating the system, using it and then disconnecting the user.

The plans call for us to have an initial trial run with Mirna as early as towards the end of this week (Friday or Saturday) if our current activities go well. We will continue to post this blog in order to provide more accurate information once we begin the actual sessions.

God bless!!

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