Thursday, August 6, 2009

Update from Huehuetenango...

I just got an update from Gabriella. She reported that Mirna continues to improve with her accuracy on moving and controlling the mouse and that she has even been able to select letters from the application keyboard. She has been able to type the word "Gracias" which means "Thanks" in Spanish and it is obvious to realize how appreciative she is to have the opportunity to communicate. Gabriella also reported that Mirna is following a very strict schedule where she has her physical therapy in the morning and then she has 2 hours of practice with the EE system in the afternoon. This will enable her to continue to make great progress and very soon, be able to use the system to begin typing short sentences and messages. She will also continue to work on her accuracy to be able to take advantage of the "phrase" input provided by the modified Staggered Speech application.

I also heard from my friend Julio, who jointly with my Dad delivered the backup set of electrodes and he reported that he continues to be amazed of Mirna's progress and how much control she now has of the system.

I would like to mention that Dr. Gips from Boston College has donated the set of electrodes to Mirna's cause and hence the $200 will be kept to be used for any other need that Mirna's family has in terms of obtaining materials from the United States.

Finally, I would like to mention that Mirna's story has been featured on Boston College's EE website ( and that her story will also be featured on OFOAs upcoming newsletter. (

Thank you for keeping your prayers for Mirna's progress and it is obvious that these prayers are being heard.

God Bless!!